• 2.3M People Targeted
  • $148.3M Funding Requested (USD)

Response Plans: HRP.

Figures updated for: 2024.

Country overview

The Food Security Sector (FSS), established in December 2012, has been a central part of the humanitarian response in the occupied Palestinian territories over the past years. The FSS is co-led by the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In addition, over 100 partner organizations country-wide are active members in the FSS, including NGOs (international and national), United Nations (UN) agencies and donors. The FSS members, by actively participating in the Sector, commit themselves to strive to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian action based on an ethical obligation and accountability to the populations we serve, acknowledging diversity as an asset of the humanitarian community and recognizing the interdependence among humanitarian organizations; being committed to building and nurturing an effective partnership.