• 0.9M People in Need
  • 0.1M People Targeted
  • 39,474 People Reached
  • $11.5M Funding Requested (USD)
  • $3.0M Funding Received (USD)
  • $8.5M Unmet funds (USD)

Response Plans: Flash Appeal.

Figures updated for: January to September 2023.

Country overview

Food Security Situation in Libya: The crisis in Ukraine has led to global price increases for basic commodities. In Libya, the national cost of the food basket in November 2022 was 822 LYD, which represents an increase by 18% since pre-conflict levels. Libya is heavily dependent (88%) on imports from Russia and Ukraine for its cereal needs, and the Libyan compensation system for necessities has been falling since 2011, causing tensions with producers, affecting their activities, and making prices sensitive to economic fluctuations. The purchasing power of vulnerable households affected their ability to afford nutritious foods and food staples, raising concerns about the overall food security situation, and leading them to adopt negative coping strategies.

WFP estimates that over 324,000 individuals, including 174,000 vulnerable Libyans and 150,000 vulnerable non-Libyans, remain in need of