• 4.3M People in Need
  • 2.7M People Targeted
  • $560.0M Funding Requested (USD)

Response Plans: HNRP.

Figures updated for: 2024.

Country overview

The main objective of the Food Security Cluster (FSC) in Somalia is to provide an action-oriented forum for bringing together national and international humanitarian partners to improve the timeliness and impact of humanitarian assistance on the lives of food insecure and vulnerable populations. The FSC is co-led by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). International and National NGOs support in co-coordination of the cluster at the regional level across all the regions of Somalia and Somaliland.

The cluster is currently composed of 146 partners drawn from relevant government institutions, UN entities, international and national NGOs, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and resource partners.

The scope of the FSC focuses on lifesaving food and livelihood assistance to meet the immediate needs

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