Food Security Sector: Emergency Agriculture (SO2) Gap Analysis, March 2024

Since 2020, assistance for emergency agriculture has consistently decreased year by year, despite the growing demand and opportunities for livelihood support among the affected population. However, 2024 has seen a relative improvement in reaching people with emergency agriculture support compared to the same period in 2021.

In March 2024, sector partners assisted 354,000 people with emergency agriculture interventions in the BAY states, out of the 2.2 million targeted. The most significant gaps identified were in Adamawa State (95%), followed by Yobe State (93%), and Borno State (89%), based on their respective needs.
Considering the projected number of people in need, the gap in emergency agriculture support stands at 4.4 million people for the 2024 lean season.
The sector continues to advocate for scaling up agricultural assistance with government and non-government partners, particularly in Adamawa, Yobe, and Southern Borno, where significant opportunities exist. In areas with access challenges, food security actors are encouraged to apply the "do no harm" principles while targeting affected communities and households for emergency livelihoods support.

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