FSS Nigeria Change of Calculation of Per Capita Transfer Value of Household (HH) sizes 1 -3 (Per Capita)

After critical review in various meetings by the Transfer Value Harmonization Taskforce, it has been unanimously agreed to change the calculation of Transfer Value for HH sizes 1-3 from the Food Expenditure Analysis to using a Cap (Ceiling) of HH 3 as the Per Capita Transfer Value for HH sizes 1,2 & 3.

For HH sizes 4 and above, the calculation of the Transfer Value will remain as before.

The main reason for the change if for the ease and flexibility of the calculation of Transfer Values by the various partners in the various locations.

Going forward, the Food Security Sector confirms that from 03 September 2020, the calculation of the Transfer Value for the Per Capita Approach will be as below:

Households of 1-3 members; Transfer Value to be calculated based on a Cap (Ceiling) of HH 3 as the Per Capita Transfer Value for HH sizes 1,2 & 3.
Households of 4-8 members; Transfer Value to be calculated based on actual number of Households members
Households of 8+; Transfer Value to be calculated based on a Households of 8 members.


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