Adapting to an Urban World - Urban Essentials Needs Assessment (Kinshasa)

Urban Essential Needs Assessment in the five communes of Kimbanseke, Kinsenso, Makala, N’sele and Selembao (Kinshasa)

This urban assessment has been carried out jointly through funding from the gFSC (Global Food Security Cluster) and the VAM (Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping), upon the request of the Food Security Cluster and the WFP country office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The field work, the analysis and the drafting of this report has been led by Sergio Regi, Christoph Waldmeier and Valerio Giuffrida from the Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping in Rome, while Marina Angeloni has been instrumental in ensuring the collaborative nature of this project with partners under the Food Security Cluster and in the training of enumerators.

A number of colleagues made valuable contributions to this report. Ollo Sib, Malka Muhindo, Pembe Lero, Guy Onambele, Yannick Mpindu, Raoul Balletto and Claude Jibidar from WFP’s office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo provided local guidance, logistical support and invaluable advice for the data collection exercise. Laure Boudinaud supported the data collection process through the creation of the high-resolution maps for sampling. Tobias Flaemig provided a his thorough review of this report. The authors are very grateful to the 40 students from Kinshasa University who were engaged as enumerators and to all internal and external reviewers who provided input, encouragement and criticism


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