FSLC May 2021 response dashboard

During the month of May 2021, FSL Cluster partners reported to have reached 305,125 people with either in-kind food distribution, cash or vouchers modality in both rural and urban areas. Among them, 279, 756 received cash-based support in both rural and urban areas while the remaining 25,369 beneficiaries received in-kind food assistance.

May marks the first month following the closure of operations of major food assistance programme that have assisted people during the lean season. This is why there is an evident drop of activities under this sector of interventions, compared to the previous months. Under this framework of assistance, the predominant means of support is represented by cash-based activities to households whose vulnerability goes beyond the lean season.  This applies predominantly to urban HHs who are in fact approximately 91% of the total HHs assisted this month.

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