FSLC November 2021 response dashboard

During the month of November 2021, FSL Cluster partners reported having reached 829,500 people with either in-kind food distribution, cash, or vouchers modality in both rural and urban areas. Among them, 331,939 received cash-based support in urban areas, 26,379in rural areas while the remaining 471,115 beneficiaries received in-kind food assistance.


The month of November marks slight uptrends in food assistance (cash and in-kind), as expected due to organisations' lean assistance programmes being progressively implemented. Food in-kind is the largest share being 57% of the overall assistance. This month approximately 70% of the overall food security target for the lean season has been reached through six partners, with WFP contributing for 89% of the total.

Agriculture and livelihood assistance reported a total of 295,000 beneficiaries in November. This includes 220,792 people benefiting from the provision of crop and small livestock inputs, 55,911 extension officers and farmers received training, extension, and advisory services focusing on good agriculture practices with an emphasis on climate-smart agriculture, on and inputs for agro-ecology interventions such as soil conservation practices, soil reclamation techniques, and restoration of degraded landscapes.


Lastly 17,965, beneficiaries received assistance in the rehabilitation of critical assets for animal survival and agriculture (dip tanks and animal drinking troughs) through other modalities (e.g., contracting a company). Overall support to smallholder farmers continues to increase in November, especially on crop and animal provision.

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