• 1.9M People in Need
  • 1.9M People Targeted
  • 0.9M People Reached
  • $141.2M Funding Requested (USD)
  • $40.8M Funding Received (USD)
  • $100.4M Unmet funds (USD)

Response Plans: HRP.

Figures updated for: January to September 2023.

Country overview

Niger is a land-locked and food-deficit country with a population of over 23.3 million people and an annual demographic growth of 3.9 percent, the highest in Africa. The latest food security analysis (Cadre Harmonisé March 2022) projected 4.4 million people to be food insecure during the upcoming lean season (Jun-Aug 2022).

Food insecurity is driven by poverty, environmental degradation, and recurring shocks. In addition to the protracted Lake Chad crisis, the deteriorating security situation on the border with Mali, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria is causing large population displacements.