
  • 14.6M People in Need
  • 4.0M People Targeted
  • 4.8M People Reached
  • $103.3M Funding Requested (USD)
  • $40.5M Funding Received (USD)
  • $62.7M Unmet funds (USD)

Response Plans: Other.

Figures updated for: January to September 2023.

Country overview

Pakistan continues to be subject to considerable socio-political, economic and environmental volatility, and in 2022 experienced one of its worst natural disasters in living memory. What started from June 2022, as heavy rains and a combination of riverine and flash flooding country wide, later developed into a crisis of national and unprecedented proportions.

Almost one-third of the country’s total landmass was submerged. Infrastructure, power and telecommunications systems were severely damaged or destroyed entirely. Millions of people were left without access to food, shelter, clean drinking water or health services, posing an enormous threat to their survival. Amid severe damage to the agricultural sector, one of the country’s economic mainstays, people’s prospects for recovering their livelihoods were severely threatened. The government estimated around 33 million people were