• 3.1M People in Need
  • 3.0M People Targeted
  • 2.1M People Reached
  • $1.3B Funding Requested (USD)
  • $247.9M Funding Received (USD)
  • $1.1B Unmet funds (USD)

Response Plans: LCRP.

Figures updated for: January to September 2023.

Country overview

In 2024, 2.47 million Lebanese, Syrians refugees , Palestine refugees in Lebanon (PRL) and Palestinian refugees from Syria (PRS) and migrants are expected to be in need of food and agricultural livelihoods support.

The FSA sector intends to target 2.01 million Lebanese, Syrians refugees, Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, Palestine Refugees from Syria, and migrants with all their diversity including gender, age and disability who are facing acute food insecurity by improving their access and availability to diversified nutritious foods to reduce food gaps and prevent acute malnutrition; strengthen agricultural production and productivity and enhance livelihood capacities.

The FSA sector strategy is in line with the MoA’s National Agriculture Strategy (NAS) 2020-2025, the MoSA’s development and poverty-reduction goals and Lebanon’s commitments towards the achievement of SDG 2 (Zero Hunger).