A Guidance Note on Ex-Combatant & their Families October 2021

Since June 2021, numerous reports indicate that a large number of former Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) and their family members, handed themselves over to the Nigerian Security Forces in Borno, Adamawa, Yobe (BAY) States. Numbers are estimated to be 8,000 persons, as of September 2021. The vast majority of whom are women and children. The cause of the mass surrender has been associated with the death of the former leader Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad (JAS) leader, Abubakar Shekau that occurred in May 2021.

Concerns and fears by the community, have led the different actors to recommend ways to support the reintegration of the former fighters and their families back into the community.

This Guidance Note takes due consideration of the post-surrender concerns by the different 
fractions and the support required by the ex-combatants and their families to allow them to 
resume their normal life in safety and dignity. The note aims at enhancing the response of 
humanitarian and development partners, in addition to building the national capacity in 
assisting reintegration of Ex-combatant and their families and supporting communities 
receiving them in working towards peaceful and sustainable reintegration.

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