Adamawa Floods Rapid Needs Assessment

Heavy downpours starting from around the 11th of July to date, in addition to increased water flows from the Cameroonian highlands have contributed to the river Benue overflowing its banks, leading to the flooding of several communities in Adamawa State. Additionally, the release of water from the Lagdo dam in Cameroon has also led to displacement of people and the destruction of farmland, barns and other property. According to the Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency (ADSEMA), as at the 1st September, 25 people had died, 58 had been critically injured, 131, 638 individuals were currently displaced, and 153 communities in 18 LGAs were submerged. As at the 17th of October, the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) reported Adamawa State was among the most affected states in Nigeria, with an estimated 260,000 people potentially exposed to floods and around a 1,000 km2 of land submerged across the state.Given the scale of this event, state resources were stretched and there was still limited information regarding the extent of and specific humanitarian needs in the affected areas.

The Analysis and Assessment working group (AAWG) in collaboration with OCHA-Adamawa, ADSEMA and other partners involved in the response in Adamawa state, decided to plan and conduct a multisectoral rapid needs assessment to fill the urgent information gaps and allow for a more coordinated and targeted response to the affected communities.

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