Food Security Sector Dashboard - April 2022

In April 2022, 1,098,363 people were supported with emergency food assistance(SO1), and 299,122 with agriculture livelihood(SO2). Following the call to scale up efforts in providing food security assistance due to significant gaps in the Food Security Sector which is the largest gap since 2016. The partners will scale up the provisioning of emergency food assistance and crop inputs respectively for the upcoming lean season funding is available. So far, WFP has confirmed a planned increase of about 571,052, while ZOA confirmed about 13,633 in the number of priority vulnerable people in need of food assistance. This will bring the total (overall) food assistance to about 1.9 million people out of the 4.1 million people in need. Hence, there would still be a gap of over 2 million vulnerable people in need of food assistance.

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