Minutes of Borno Food Security Sector Minutes 19th October 2022

1.  Welcome, Opening Remarks and Round of introductions for new attendees (5 min)

2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes (5 min)

3. A.D.A.M flooding report- by WFP (15min)

4. Cash Barometer survey result- Ground Truth Solution (GTS (15 min)

5. Integrating Child Protection and Food Security workshop result report - Pl/FSS (15min)

       6. Sector Updates (10 min)

                - FSS taskforces and Operational Sector Updates

       7. Partner updates (10 min)

                - Government stakeholders (MoA, NEDC, NEMA, SEMA, MRRR, NCFRMI, etc.)

                - Others

       8. AOB (5min)




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