IASC Guidance for Humanitarian Programme Cycle in 2015

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Working Group has recently approved the revised guidance for the main steps of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle in 2015: the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Strategic Response Plan (SRP).

Between 25 and 30 countries will have an HNO and SRP in 2015. Amongst these, eight countries are expected to start soon preparing their 2015 SRPs: Afghanistan, DRC, Haiti, oPt, Somalia, South-Sudan, Sudan and Yemen. Additional countries will follow, including C.A.R. and the countries of the Sahel region.This inter-agency process is very important to achieve a shared vision among humanitarian actors on the main needs of the affected people and how to respond to them.

The clusters, including the Food Security Cluster, have a key role in this process that will be evident going through the HNO and SRP guidance. The release of the Response Monitoring guidance at the same time as the HNO and SRP guidance is an opportunity to integrate the monitoring framework at the planning level, in order to ensure that adequate and realistic plans are made for monitoring of indicators at strategic, cluster and project level.

Please find all revised documents here. For more information on key Food Security Cluster documents, plese see the "FSC Briefing Package"