Food Security Cluster Coordinator Retreat in Rome 28-30 July

The first-ever Food Security Country Cluster Coordinator Retreat was organised in Rome on 28-30 July 2015.

The event brought together 28 coordinators, NGO co-coordinators and regional bureaux focal points as well as three global Food Security Cluster partners, representing the gFSC Working Groups. Over the two and half days, participants shared experiences on challenges and good practices, which were documented and will form the base of recommendations for future action of the Food Security Cluster at global, regional and country levels.

Funding permitting, the gFSC hopes to continue to hold a similar event every year to ensure that the work of the Cluster is continually improving to achieve the most appropriate, effective and efficient response of the food security activities to meet the needs of the affected populations.

The report of the meeting will be shared in the near future. The recommendations will be followed and input into the strategic direction and priorities of the gFSC work plan 2015-2016.

Many thanks to all participants for a successful event!