“% of households who are able to meet the Minimum Expenditure Basket

Definition/RATION/ALE – what does it measure? (max 2 lines)

This indicator assesses the effectiveness of the provided cash-based assistance (CBA). It assesses whether the household income, including the assistance, is sufficient to meet basic needs, according to commonly agreed local standards.

Methodology for collection – How to collect information for indicator (max 4 lines).

  • • First, identify the most recent value of the MEB. If no such recommendation is available, is not up-to-date (e.g. due to high inflation) or might not be relevant to the prices in your area of operation, determine it by calculating the average costs of the items included in the MEB on the local market.
  • • Conduct a pre-assistance baseline survey, using a representative sample of the intended beneficiaries, to assess household income before assistance
  • • After the cash-based assistance was provided, assess, as a part of your post-distribution monitoring survey among a representative sample of the target households, their average monthly income from the time the assistance was provided

Methodology for analysis – How to analyse (Max 4 lines)
Visual demonstrations for thresholds
How to interpret: Urban v. rural, gender

  • • Calculate the number and percentage of households whose previous reported monthly income (inclusive of provided assistance) meets or exceeds the MEB value.
  • • Disaggregate the data by female-headed households / single parent households, and other vulnerability criteria. Considering also disaggregating the data by the gender and age groups of the assisted household members.

Notes on indicator –
What does the indicator not tell us.
How long is it reliable for?

  • • For the percentage of the Minimum Expenditure Basket’s value, the cash-based assistance should follow the national Cluster / Cash Working Group’s recommendations.
  • • The indicator can be rephrased to reflect sectoral restrictions on the use of the funds, most applicable for sector-specific voucher programming.
  • • The number of individuals can be used in place of number of households, depending on internal or donor reporting requirements or whether the amount provided is dependent on household size.

When to use it/when not to use it:

  • • Best to collect post cash distribution.

Core: Y/N





1 year