iMMAP - Wheat to Bread Processing Facilities Mapping - Round 2 Q3 2022 NWS


To keep the bread support programs in Northwest Syria (NWS) up to date, iMMAP, in collaboration with the USAID_BHA partners, Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) Cluster teams, Implementing Partners (IPs) in the NWS hub and the Bread and Bakery Technical Working Group (BBTWG) for NWS, conducts a regular mapping and monitoring exercise for the public and private processing and production facilities across the wheat-flour to bread value chain in NWS. This exercise aims to:

  • Assess the capacity and functionality of the wheat-flour to bread processing facilities in NWS (including Afrin, Peace Spring area and Euphrates Shield area).
  • Assess accessibility, affordability, and prices of flour/bread in NWS.
  • Identify existing gaps in bread production in NWS to meet the bread needs of the local population.
  • Identify the main flour to bread production barriers and needed support to fill this gap.
  • Map the wheat-flour to bread value chain actors, plans and achievements in NWS.
  • Provide a clear end-to-end view of the bread supply chain in NWS.

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