South Sudan IPC finding 2023/24

1OverviewThe high levels of acute food insecurity in South Sudan remain worrying, with the most severely acute food insecure populations significantly affected by frequent climate-related shocks (flooding and dry spells), the economic crisis (currency depreciation and high food prices), conflict and insecurity – including the spillover effects of the conflict in Sudan – causing forced displacement, low agricultural production and a reduction in humanitarian assistance.The latest data shows that 5.83 million people (46 percent of the population) are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity classified as IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse), with 1.64 million people in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). An estimated 35,000 people are classified in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) in the Duk (3,000) and Nyirol (3,000) counties of Jonglei State; and the Rubkona County (15,000) of Unity State. An estimated 14,000 South Sudanese returnees who fled the ongoing conflict in Sudan are also classified in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe). The most food insecure states between September and November 2023 with more than 50 percent of their populations facing IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) are Jonglei State (61 percent), Unity State (58 percent), Upper Nile State (56 percent) and Lakes State (53 percent).Between July 2023 and June 2024, an estimated 1.65 million children between 6-59 months are expected to suffer acute malnutrition including 480,000 million children expected to suffer Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and 1.16 million expected to suffer Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). 870,000 pregnant or breastfeeding women are expected to suffer acute malnutrition in this period. An estimated 72 percent of the acute malnutrition burden is concentrated in the five states of Jonglei, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile, Unity and Warrap.

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