Context Analysis Tool Assessment Presentation

•Mercy Corps Nigeria collaborated with ISSD Africa to pilot test the CAT in Borno State, Northeast Nigeria (NE Nigeria) in July 2022.
•Prior to field-testing the tool, Mercy Corps/ISSD Africa worked closely with the Mercy Corps Nigeria team to orient them to the CAT & SERT and its methodology and to adjust the tools, as needed, to be most relevant to the context.
•3 LGAs Where selected for the Pilot test (Bama, Jere & Damboa) strategically because they are the LGAs where Mercy Corps was intervening with Agriculture intervention.
•One has to understand the specific features of a conflict context, identify the seed security problem, and then determine the type of response that is possible to implement, while also doing no harm.
•This CAT methodology is a modest beginning for promotion of better practice.

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