Food Security Cluster (NWSW) - DASHBOARD January 2022

As of January, 16 partners assisted 342,690 people with emergency food, agriculture, and livelihoods humanitarian assistance. This means a 70 percent gap is recorded based on the People in Need (HRP 2022). Out of the total beneficiaries, about 97 percent of them received food item/assistance and only 22 percent of the total beneficiaries received assistance through cash and voucher modalities. WFP North-West assisted 164,937 beneficiaries with 2,702.861 MT of food and 10,237 other beneficiaries with 61.422 MT of CSB++. In the South-West, WFP assisted 67,205 beneficiaries where 43,281 beneficiaries received 350.077 MT through in-kind modalities and 23,924 assisted with cash. With MINADER, FAO monitored 300 HHs market gardening farms and selected a local NGO to carry out market value chain analyses in the periphery of Douala and Buea. FAO with local NGOs are implementing activities in NWSW within the UNCERF project

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