Country Cluster Performance Monitoring

Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) is a self-assessment exercise. Clusters monitor their performance against (i) the six core cluster functions set out in the Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level and (ii) accountability to affected populations. A country-led process, which is supported by Global Clusters, it is ideally conducted by all clusters (and sectors) at the same time, though it can be implemented by individual clusters or a group of clusters.

A CCPM process should be undertaken annually in protracted emergencies. In sudden onset emergencies, a CCPM process should be undertaken within three to six months after the onset and once every year thereafter.. Clusters in preparedness mode are not obliged to undertake the CCPM process.

Cluster coordinators or inter-cluster coordination should ensure that cluster partners participate, including UN agencies, national and international NGOs, national authorities and representatives of cross-cutting issues.

Global Clusters provide technical support (the survey) and may help with facilitation. The OCHA Field Office is responsible for coordinating the CCPM exercise across clusters and ensuring the engagement of the HC/HCT.