gFSC Report from the Global Partner Meeting held in Rome on 5 and 6 November, 2013

The Global Meeting of Food Security Cluster Partners was held from 5 to 6 November 2013 in Rome, Italy.

The meeting brought together more than 60 participants and observers representing over 25 different partner agencies. The overall purpose of the meeting was to review the work of the global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) through 2013 and to identify priority areas for 2014.

The objectives of the two day meeting included:

  • Assessing progress and agreeing priorities for the next 6 months, for each of the four Working Groups of the gFSC;
  • Reviewing gFSC achievements to date (in line with the 2013-14 Strategic Plan) and initial feedback from partners on specific gFSC activities;
  • Understanding the approach and next steps involved for the Food Security Cluster Evaluation, including countries to be visited by the Evaluation Team;
  • Comparing and learning from various successful coordination models in different regions (Bangladesh, Southern Turkey, Afghanistan and Somalia);
  • Updating partners on the Transformative Agenda (TA) and discussing how the gFSC and its partners can support strategic response planning and enhanced accountability to affected populations at the national level;
  • Reviewing current coordination challenges and opportunities related to the Syria Crisis; and
  • Identifying any additional emerging priorities for the gFSC to focus attention on over the next six months.

The meeting was facilitated by a variety of gFSC partners, each of whom guided specific sessions based on their technical knowledge and areas of expertise. The above objectives were all achieved, through a combination of informative presentations and robust dialogue amongst meeting participants.