Final Report Global Partners' Meeting, 27-28 November 2014 at WFP in Rome, Italy

Many thanks for all who participated in the seventh Global Meeting of the Food Security Cluster Partners on 27-28 November at WFP in Rome. Please find enclosed the final Meeting Report.

The purpose of the Meeting was to review the work of the gFSC during the second half of 2014 and to identify/ reaffirm priority areas for 2015-16, as well as to discuss strategically relevant food security topics. A detailed agenda for the meeting is enclosed.

Wednesday, 26 November, was designated for the face-to-face meetings of the gFSC Working Groups.

As part of the gFSC Strategic Framework and Work Plan for 2015-2016, the Meeting also devoted time to three discussion groups to develop a concrete plan of action on the following topics:

  • Group 1 - Building National Capacity in Preparedness and Contingency Planning
  • Group 2 - Accountability to Affected Populations and People Centric Issues
  • Group 3 - Resilience Agenda



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