Guideline for Agricultural Livelihood Intervention In BAY states of Nigeria-FSS

Key Message

The document is a general agricultural livelihood intervention guideline in BAY states. The document is prepared by the Food Security Sector-Nigeria, in collaboration with the three states' Ministry of Agriculture offices, and  Agriculture Livelihood Working Group(ALWG) partners and Livestock and Fisheries  Working Group(LFWG) partners. 

The main objective of the guideline is to give direction and recommendations for FSS partners to harmonize their agricultural livelihood intervention and align it with the HRP so that they can address the basic needs of the most vulnerable people in an efficient, effective, and timely manner. 

This Guideline focuses on the major agricultural livelihood intervention activities/subsectors in BAY states, the preconditions or assumptions, the requirements, and the type of kit compositions, the feasible time frame, and modalities for the specific intervention/subsector/ activities. Above all, the guideline has been seconded by the three(BAY) states' Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries.

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