FSC Bangladesh Monthly Meeting minutes, 19 October 2023


  • FSC will circulate the key findings by 22 October 23.
  • FSC will share the link again for the common 5W
  • FSC will wait till next week for any last-minute feedback and share the approved ToR.
  • FAO, IFPRI, FSC and IRB to draft Livelihood Based Package for Bangladesh
  • FSC to request FAO to send a letter to FPMU to call for a IPC TWG meeting to trigger.
  • FSC to call a planning meeting among FAO, UNICEF, and WFP.
  • FSC with the support from FAO & WFP will start exploring data availability.
  • SPHERE translation compilation will lead by Antara with Zahid and Ikram
  • FSC will organize a cluster visit to oversee the CHT response in November 2023.

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