Agriculture Input and Commodity Price Bulletin - June 2022

  • In June 2022, farmers continued harvesting their wheat and barley crop across all governorates. The cost of harvesting for the current production season witnessed a significant increase between 75 to 100 percent year on year (y-o-y). This could be attributed to fuel shortages, and the increase in the average daily wage rate. 
  • During this reporting period, fruits prices witnessed a general increase due to the low amount of production. The affected fruit plantation need at least 4 - 5 years to regenerate and reach previous production levels. Fruit export has also contributed to the recent increase in the prices of various fruits, coupled with the high transportation cost.
  • Fuel shortages continue to persist in most governorates and this presents challenges to farmers who rely on fuel for irrigation during the summer season and transportation of their produce to the market. The fuel shortages are putting financial pressure on farmers since this is having knock-on effects on overall production costs.


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