Addressing Diverse and Acute Primary Threats (ADAPT II) in Damboa and Bama LGA- Mercy Corps April 2023

Food Security Activity Overview

•The unconditional food vouchers intervention has reached 6,810 households direct program participants that translated to over 64,220 indirect program participants(42% male and 58%female) in Bama and Damboa with a monthly food ration over the period of the program.
•From the 6,810 households, a total of 2,210 households were supported with Agriculture assistance as the program promotes household poultry production and kitchen gardening using the SMART agronomy concept to encourage dietary diversification at the household level.
•Mercy Corps distributed 2,042 locally made energy efficient fuel stoves to female-headed households.
4,600 households a subset of the 6,810 households targeted for staple food were also provided with e-wallets for vegetables, fruits and animal proteins to enable them have diet diversification at household level

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